Our Results 

In one month, Labelium’s campaigns were able to increase overall traffic to the site by 26%, while increasing new users to the website by 30%, which increased event registration by 414% vs. the same event last year (from 3,500 in 2019 to 18,000 in 2020). This was a significant lift for Immigrant Quebec, and these good early results enabled them to increase the total digital marketing budget for the rest of the year.

The Challenge: a shift to digital caused by the pandemic 

With the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person events -which Immigrant Quebec usually heavily relies on- were no longer a viable option to connect professionals and newcomers to the province. In these challenging times, Immigrant Quebec had to adapt and go digital in order to continue providing their services. 

Immigrant Quebec was able to rely on Labelium’s digital expertise & services to help them navigate through this transition and succeed with their digital campaigns.

What we did 

Labelium helped Immigrant Quebec set up digital campaigns with the primary objective of raising awareness for their services and events. Key metrics for success were reach, impressions and engagement (CTR). 

Here are the highlights of the methodology that was deployed: 

  • Labelium supported Immigrant Quebec in gathering insights on their current user base and prospects profiles through audience mapping with Google Analytics data 
  • This data was used to design both Google Ads and Facebook campaigns, targeting students, immigrants and working residents within the province
  • Labelium set up and piloted Google Ad Grants campaigns leveraging agency best practices and expertise 
  • Data acquired throughout the campaign was used not only for optimization, but the search behavior insights were used to adapt Immigrant Quebec content strategy and service portfolio 

About Immigrant Quebec 

Logo de Immigrant Québec

Immigrant Quebec is a nonprofit organization providing resources for immigrating, living, working and studying in Quebec, Canada. Immigrant Quebec is the #1 platform of specialized information on Quebec immigration, connecting each year more than 1M candidates for immigration and new arrivees while maintaining a social media community of 200K people. Their success is due to the quality and relevance of their content as well as their ability to bring together professionals offering services & opportunities for newcomers.

Nous apprécions au quotidien la rigueur, le professionnalisme et la créativité dont fait preuve toute l’équipe de Labelium. Toujours disponibles et présents, nos interlocuteurs ont su rapidement intégrer nos enjeux et les forces en présence sur notre marché pour nous orienter au mieux aussi bien sur nos campagnes Google Ads que sur la gestion de nos réseaux sociaux. Leurs interventions ont permis de dépasser largement nos attentes en termes de visibilité” grâce à eux nous avons augmenté notre trafic de 30% et avons atteint la barre du million de visiteurs uniques!

Labelium est aujourd’hui un soutien et une aide précieuse pour la bonne exploitation de nos campagnes. C’est un partenaire de choix, une véritable plus-value et nous leur sommes redevables du succès d’un grand nombre de nos actions cette année!

Christophe Berthet, Directeur Général Immigrant Québec

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